
Showing posts from December, 2022

Ron Gordon Watch Repair, NYC's Favorite TAG Heuer Repair and Service Center, Announces Post on TAG H

Ron Gordon Watch Repair, the New York City leader in TAG Heuer watch repair, is proud to announce a new post on the latest edition of the TAG Heuer Monaco. The exciting "square" watch brings an iconoclastic vision to luxury watches, building on a storied history since 1969 that combines sleek watches with fast races."Car racing and Swiss watches have a storied history, and so it is with the TAG Heuer Monaco," explained Ron Gordon, proprietor of Ron Gordon Watch Repair. "However, in our latest blog post, we focus not on the storied history of the TAG Heuer brand and the Monaco Grand Prix, but rather on the stylish square design and color scheme that truly make this an unusual watch. Quite a few collectors of TAG Heuer watches have brought older, vintage TAG Heuer watches into our New York City watch repair shop for repairs. But we also see many contemporary versions. Each one is a thrill of unique styling."TAG Heuer fans who want to read the post can visit ...

Victory for the World Dog Alliance: South Korea Takes Steps to Outlaw Dog Meat

The South Korean government launched a formal discussion on the prohibition of dog meat, marking another milestone for the World Dog Alliance's global campaign against this horrific practice."With the sharp increase in the number of households with pets and growing public interest in animal rights and animal welfare, we are witnessing increasing calls against viewing dog meat consumption as part of an old food culture.""We will form a joint private-government consultative body led by civilians and produce a social consensus."- South Korean Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyumThe discussion came after President Moon Jae-in raised the need to "carefully look into banning dog meat consumption" in September.The public consultation is expected to be concluded in April 2022.South Korea has the highest population ratio of dog meat eaters in the world, with millions of dogs served at the dining table every year. The cruel practice is often criticized by the internation...

Travel the WORLD of TEQUILA at JFK Airport - in Retail First Experience From Proximo Spirits

 In a first for the world's leading tequila company, this interactive exploration will introduce travelers to the breadth and depth of premium and luxury expressions from the world's best-selling tequila brand Jose Cuervo®, the world's first cristalino tequila Maestro Dobel® and 1800, the world's most awarded tequila brand.The impressive 700sq ft retail space highlights eight exquisite tequilas presented by a team of brand educators, including the innovative Maestro Dobel® 50 Cristalino. The space offers a dynamic and enticing drinking experience to target high-end spirit drinkers, looking to re-shape the way they enjoy premium spirits.The "World of Tequila" will be in residence throughout November and the holidays, bringing a collection of exclusive and limited-edition blends to JFK's Terminal 4, including Maestro DOBEL®, 1800 Tequila, Jose Cuervo, and Gran Centenario® with prices ranging up to $165.Head of Global Travel Retail, Roy Summers remarked: ...

Монголын шилдэг Э-Спорт авяастнууд PUBG MOBILE Pro League өмнөд азийн хаврын аялалаа эхлүүлж байна

2022 онд болох тэмцээн буюу PUBG MOBILE Pro League South Asia Spring (PMPL) тэмцээнд Монгол Улсын шилдэг Esports тамирчид улс орныг төлөөлж байгаа тул энэ дөрөвдүгээр сард шинэ аваргууд төрөх болно. Өмнөд Азийн шилдэг PUBG MOBILE авъяас чадвар нь Өмнөд Азийн PMPL-ийн аварга болж 150,000 долларын шагналын сантай тэмцээн гэдгээрээ онцгой юм.PMPL нь энэ оны эхээр Монгол улс, Шри Ланка, Непалын тамирчид аваргын төлөө өрсөлдөж, нэг удаагийн шалгалтыг зохион байгуулах ажээ. PMPL-ийн сонгон шалгаруулах тэмцээнд уригдсан багууд 2021 онд PUBG MOBILE тэмцээний шилдэг багуудтай хамт бага суудалтай PMPL багуудыг оруулсан. Хүчтэй өрсөлдөөний дараа 1 Монгол баг өнгөрсөн улирлын гүйцэтгэлд суурилсан 3 шууд урилгын дагуу байр сууриа олж, байр сууриа илэрхийлэв. Энэ нь Монголчуудын нийт тоог 4 -д хүргэсэн бөгөөд энэ жилийн PMPL Өмнөд Азийн 20-ийн цэгээс гарсан байна. Өмнөд Азийн 2022 оны ПМПЛ-д өрсөлдөх 4 Монгол багууд нь STALWART ESPORTS, SEAL ESPORTS, IHC ESPORTS, SAVAGE ESPORTS юм. PMPL Өмнөд Аз...